grounding sheets

Menopause and Sleep: How Grounding Sheets Helped

If you’ve been through menopause—or are currently navigating it—then you know that sleep can become challenging. For me, sleeping became one of the trickiest aspects of this phase. Between the night sweats and restlessness, my nights felt more like a series of naps rather than deep, restorative sleep. It wasn’t until I started looking into alternative ways to improve my sleep quality that I came across grounding sheets.

The Menopause Sleep Struggle

As I approached menopause, I noticed my sleep quality take a major dip. Major. Falling asleep was the easy part, but staying asleep was almost impossible on certain nights. Add hot flashes into the mix, and you can imagine how tricky it was to get even a fair night’s rest.

That’s when I started using my Fitbit to track my sleep, hoping to better understand what was going on. The data confirmed what I felt—my sleep score was consistently in the “fair” range. But even with that insight, I still needed a solution. That’s when I started reading about grounding sheets.

The Experiment

Grounding sheets are designed to mimic the effects of grounding, a practice where you make direct contact with the earth, which is believed to help balance out electrical charges in the body and reduce inflammation. The idea is that by sleeping on these sheets, your body may experience a more natural, grounded state that promotes relaxation and deeper sleep.

I figured, why not? If anything could help me sleep through the night and deal with my menopausal symptoms, it was worth a shot.

Fitbit Sleep Score: Before and After

Before using the grounding sheets, my Fitbit sleep score averaged around 73, which is on the low end of fair. I could tell I was waking up multiple times throughout the night, even if I didn’t remember all of them.

After about two weeks of sleeping, I noticed small but significant improvements. My average sleep score moved up to 76—not a huge leap, but enough to show me that something was working. I felt more rested, and those middle-of-the-night wake-ups became less frequent.

The Verdict

I’m still navigating my sleep journey, but grounding sheets have been a helpful addition to my bedtime routine. While they aren’t a miracle cure for menopausal sleep struggles, they’ve definitely made a positive difference in my sleep quality.

If you’re in the same boat, struggling with menopausal sleep, I’d say grounding sheets are worth a try. Combine that with tracking your sleep using tools like Fitbit, and you can gain better insights into what works for you. 

Wishing you a great nights sleep! Kris

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