Galveston diet

Does the Galveston Diet Work? 

Long story short. Yes! 

Here’s the deal.

On August 28th, 2024, just ten days after I turned 50, I stepped on the scale. 177 pounds. I stared at the number, not quite believing it. 177? How did I get here? I had never been in the 170 range—ever. In my forties, my weight fluctuated between 155 and 165 pounds, so seeing that number was a wake-up call. But it wasn’t just the scale; my body felt different, and not in a way I liked.

My Symptoms Pre Galveston Diet

1. My clothes don’t fit

Fall is right around the corner, and I can’t fit into any of my jeans. Not even my “just in case” pairs. It feels like overnight my body changed, and my wardrobe became irrelevant. It’s frustrating to wake up, open the closet, and know that nothing I once wore will fit the way it used to.

2. I wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes

Every. Single. Night. Gone are the days of putting my head on the pillow and enjoying a solid, uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep. I honestly can’t even remember when I last slept through the night—was it before I had kids? Eighteen years ago? Now, I wake up, and brace myself for the wave of heat and discomfort that I know is on it’s way. 

3. My knee is swollen and my joints and body aches

I never used to think about my joints or muscles, but now, I feel every inch of my body—and it’s not a good feeling. Walking after sitting for long periods is uncomfortable – my hip hurts. My knee is swollen. I never imagined feeling this old at 50. It’s disheartening, especially because I’ve always considered myself to be a healthy person.

4. I wake up with leg cramps

As if hot flashes weren’t enough, leg cramps have become a regular visitor. The sharp, sudden pain in the middle of the night? It’s no joke, and it’s starting to feel like I can’t escape discomfort, even in my sleep.

5. I’m weak!

I can almost feel the muscles leaving my body. Every day, it feels like I’m losing strength. Things that used to be easy now feel challenging. It’s a strange, disorienting sensation—like I’m watching myself get weaker, but don’t know how to stop it.

6. I don’t know what to eat

Clearly, something needs to change, but I’m at a loss. What used to work for me in my 30s and 40s isn’t cutting it anymore, and the truth is, I don’t know what to eat. My diet isn’t working for me, and I’m desperate for something that will help me regain control of my health and body.

The Galveston Diet…Works!

It’s October 3rd and I’m down 5 pounds. 

It’s a process, but it seems to be working. there is a 3 week meal plan and it’s teaching me how to eat for my 50 year old self. 

Why The Galveston Diet? 

My menopausal health gynecologist recommended it to me. Here’s the book.

It’s not a one stop shop, I’m trying lots of things to get on top of my symptoms. It’s something else! Navigating it isn’t easy, but I’m committed to finding a way to live healthily through it.

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